Like your hips you measure your thigh at the thickest part of your leg. If you are a female measure your abdomen smallest horizontal circumference around abdominal area hips largest horizontal circumference around the hips neck with tape sloping slightly downward in front height without. Place a tape measure around your bare stomach just above the upper hip bone. If youre a woman measure fat at your triceps suprailiac about an inch above the hip bone and the thigh. Finally click the calculate button to see your estimated body fat. You can also.
Body fat percentage bfp body fat weight weight. If you have a pair of pants. Also ensure that the tape measure is snug to your body but not so tight that it compresses the skin. In adult women the total proportion of. If you are using other units you can transform the formulas accordingly. Both equations for lean body mass use weight in pounds and all other measurements in inches.
Calipers may come with instructions on how to convert these numbers to your body fat percentage. Body fat weight weight lean body mass. If youre a man measure fat at your chest abdominals and thigh. Body fat percentage is calculated by weighing a persons total fat and dividing it by their weight. If you are a male measure your abdomen horizontal at level of navel neck with tape sloping slightly downward in front height without shoes. Make sure the measuring tape is parallel to the floor slanting can falsely increase your measurement.
The inseam is the inside of your leg from your crotch to where you want your pants to fall. You can use both centimeters and inches to record the measurement since our body fat percent calculator supports both units. Enter you height neck and waist measurements. Lean body mass women weight 0732 8987 wrist 3140 waist 0157 hip 0249 forearm 0434. Measure your hips at the widest point below your waist while keeping your feet together for an accurate measurement. Essential fat is the fat we need for survival.
Accuracy to the nearest half inch or within 1 cm should be sufficient.